
Since his birth, Youwen and I are still learning.
Nothing can truly prepare you for parenthood.
But despite it all, we appreciate having this little guy in our life.


It’s hard to predict what kind of man he will become.  Youwen and I always give him our best effort to raise and teach him well.  We worked hard to get to where we are today in order to provide Ian the best environment for him to learn and grow.  We hope that Ian can adopt our best traits and learn lessons from our past mistakes.  While the bar is raised high for him, we hope he will do better than us.


Since Ian is our first child, it’s a huge learning curve.  Not everything will go according to plan and sometimes we have to learn the hard way.  To struggle is to learn.  During times of hardship, it’s easy to get stressed on small details, but stepping back and looking at the bigger picture, Ian is everything that any couple could have hoped for: a happy and healthy baby.


Although having children ends young adulthood, it also marks a new beginning.  We embark in a new chapter in parenthood and the lifelong responsibility of raising an individual into adulthood.  No one is ever truly “ready” to be a parent and the task is tough and exhausting.  However, despite the challenges, Youwen and I treasure our time with Ian.  The adjustment wasn’t easy, but we never looked back.


While Youwen and I are the drivers in teaching Ian everything about life, however, the truth of the matter is quite the opposite.  In reality, it is actually Ian teaching Youwen and I to become better people.  As a parent, you learn and live the life lessons of selflessness and being a role model.  You also learn how to become more efficient since every task becomes astronomically harder with a baby to juggle at the same time.  Most importantly, you realize that worldly concerns and desires become trivial and learn to pick what matters most.  A baby is indeed a life changing experience.  While Youwen and I still plan to pursue our own career ambitions, we’ve learned to adapt to our new life.  We’re still learning to adjust, but we’re getting better at it everyday.      

I’ll conclude this entry with a quote from a classic film:


“Kids give us a chance to be better than we used to be.”
– Deadpool 2

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